Have you ever seen a person hundreds of time and never seen him/her NOT smile? Well, I have and trust me its a treat to see that person every time you see him/her.

A few days back things were crazy at work, real crazy. I was working late to get some things done as my boss was kind of getting on my nerves with them. By the way why are most bosses such a pain in the a**? Anyhow, I managed to finish the job just after midnight. Then I realized I still had a chance to catch the last bus back home. I rushed to the bus stop and in a couple of minutes there it was. The last bus and the ever smiling face. The bus driver. After such a hectic day at work and skipping dinner and too little sleep for the past few days I was both mentally and physically exhausted. All I could think of way what to eat before I jump into bed that I loved much at that instant. As soon as I saw the lady driver's smiling face I was so refreshed that its hard to explain. The entire ride back home, I kept smiling coz I felt good. While getting off the bus, I waved goodbye to the lady unintentionally, maybe in acknowledgement and she waved back maybe in appreciating the acknowledgement.
The next day I had to leave work a little early, and as I waited at the bus stop I was preoccupied with a number of things I had to do. The bus arrived and guess what, it was the same bus and the driver as last night, and more importantly the same smile as always. I smiled back and she uttered two words 'early today?'. Its remarkable how she could remember so many different people on a job where all she sees is people. I really appreciate her smiling. She is a really nice aunty. God bless her.
bhai auntiyo pay kab say tharkee hogaya ??